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High voltage inverter - MV510

Category:Frequency Converter

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High quality input characteristics

The input side of the MV510 series medium and high voltage inverter is phase-shifted through the secondary winding of the isolation transformer, and a multi-pulse diode rectifier input is used to provide isolation power for the power unit. This can eliminate most of the harmonic currents caused by a single power unit, and it can meet the IEEE.519-2014 harmonic specification without adding a harmonic filter.

Perfect power output performance

The MV510 series medium and high voltage inverters adopt H-bridge cascade topology and CPSSPWM modulation technology, which reduces the output harmonic content and presents a nearly perfect sine wave output waveform. Compared with other forms of high voltage and large capacity inverters, they have the following advantages:

● No need to add output filtering devices

● Can directly drive ordinary high-voltage synchronous and asynchronous motors without causing motor temperature rise

● The motor does not need to be derated due to harmonics

● Can reduce the main circuit motor and cable insulation dv/dt stress damage

● No pulsating torque caused by harmonics, which can extend the service life of motors and mechanical equipment

● Motor cable has no length limit within the allowable range of voltage drop

Comply with strict international standards

The input and output of the MV510 series medium and high voltage inverter power supply are superior to IEEE. 519-2014 and GB/T14549-1993 standards, eliminating the need to install separate input filters, saving users harmonic control costs; The system has a high power factor and does not require a power factor compensation device, which can effectively reduce virtual power input, reduce input capacity, and reduce the cost of adding capacity to the user's power grid.

Flexible installation method

The MV510 can provide any possible way for power lines to enter and exit, and can be selected from above or below according to on-site needs.

Convenient after-sales maintenance

The modular design of the power unit makes it easy to maintain the power unit. In addition, for models with different voltages but the same rated current, the same power unit can be shared, greatly reducing the type of spare parts.


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